TPCC 11th Annual Summit
Creating Stronger Primary Care Together for a Healthier Texas
TPCC Primary Care Wins: Webinar
Primary Care Wins in the 88th Texas Legislative Session and Impacts on the Primary Care System
Our Experience at the NNPHI Annual Conference
The National Network of Public Health Institutes convened public health leaders from across the country for its annual conference in Washington, D.C., May 9-11.
TPCC 2023 Policy Priorities: Webinar
Advancing Primary Care During the 88th Texas Legislative Session
2023 TPCC Policy Documents
Given the systemic and chronic nature of our state’s challenges, the consortium proposes a three-pronged framework of solutions for a positive and sustainable impact. The proposed policy priorities for primary
Make Primary Care Primary Video
Texas Primary Care Consortium (TPCC), with support from Episcopal Health Foundation and St. David’s Foundation, brought together a statewide consensus panel to identify and advance bi-partisan, smart public policy that
Meet Black Mamas ATX
In 2022, Texas Health Institute had the opportunity to be the fiscal sponsor for a small but vital nonprofit in Central Texas: Black Mamas ATX, headed by Executive Director Kelenne
MSRGN Genetics Summit 2022
Momentum in the Mountains: A virtual summit to educate, engage, and connect families, providers,
and public health professionals around contemporary topics in genetics.
CJA National Conference 2022
Bridging Communities to Achieve Equity for All. 20+ years of improving health, increasing access, and eliminating disparities
Lessons Learned from Cross-Sector Alignment Efforts
Texas Health Institute was one of seven national finalists to receive a grant from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s (RWJF) to test their Aligning Sectors Theory of Change. Over the course