CHRISTUS Southeast Texas Health System CHNA
CHRISTUS Southeast Texas Health System includes acute care hospitals and inpatient facilities in three counties in southeastern Texas.
CHRISTUS St. Michael Health System CHNA
CHRISTUS St. Michael Health System includes two acute care hospitals in Texarkana, Texas and Atlanta, Texas.
Health of Those Who Have Served Report 2018
Men and women who serve in the US Armed Forces play essential roles in maintaining the safety and security of our country.
MSRGN Genetics Summit 2018
The Mountain States Regional Genetics Network 2018 Genetics Summit: Accessing Genetics Care in our Region brought together members in San Antonio.
HOPE Data Chartbook
HOPE represents the first set of comprehensive metrics with an explicit objective to measure national and state progress toward health equity by race, ethnicity, and
socioeconomic status.
CJA National Conference 2018
With a theme of Making Connections: Optimizing Health for all Communities Joined in Action’s National Conference brought together leaders from across the country.
MSRGN State Team Meeting 2018
The Mountain States Regional Genetics Network State Team Meeting brought together team members from across the region.
CJA National Conference 2017
The Communities Joined in Action National Conference: Unleashing the Power of Communities: Achieving Health, Well-being, and Equity brought together community leaders.
In the Wake of ACA: Understanding Community Barriers and Facilitators to Health Care Access
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) created new opportunities to enroll many in health insurance in Sacramento, California, and the nation.
Evolution of Health Insurance Marketplaces: Experiences and Progress in Reaching and Enrolling Diverse Populations
One of the important features of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 is the creation of health
insurance marketplaces (originally called exchanges), which are intended to make available a
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