ACA & Health Equity Series Report No. 4: Health and Prevention Programs for Advancing Health Equity
The United States spends more on health care than any other industrialized nation, yet this
greater spending does not translate to better health or life expectancy.
ACA & Health Equity Series Report No. 3: Enhancing and Diversifying the Nation’s Health Care Workforce
Research to date reveals that the lack of diversity in the health care workforce is a significant
challenge to meeting the needs of racially and ethnically diverse populations who experience clear
ACA & Health Equity Series Report No. 2: Supporting and Transitioning the Health Care Safety Net
The nation’s health care safety net is a patchwork of institutions, financing, and programs that
disproportionately serve low-income, uninsured, and racially and ethnically diverse populations.
ACA & Health Equity Series Report No. 1: Cultural and Linguistic Requirement in Health Insurance Exchanges
One of the centerpieces of health care reform as presented in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is the
creation of health insurance exchanges, also referred to as marketplaces, that will offer
Health Reform Holds Both Risks and Rewards for Safety-Net Providers and Racially and Ethnically Diverse Patients
The Affordable Care Act of 2010 creates both opportunities and risks for safety-net providers in caring for low-income, diverse patients.