Aligning Systems for Health in Texas: Comprehensive Report
Over the past decade, cross-sector alignment efforts to improve health and well-being in communities have gained increasing momentum.
Health of Those Who Have Served Report 2022
The report continues to identify profound differences between those who have and have not served across health behaviors, social and economic factors, clinical care and health outcomes.
Central Texas County CHNAs
THI conducted CHNAs for SDF for three counties in Central Texas and one qualitative report.
Evidence for Improving Vaccine Acceptance in Underserved Groups
Environmental Scan of Evidence-Based Promising Practices & Strategies to Improve Vaccine Acceptance Among Racial and Ethnic Minority, Rural and other Underserved Groups
The Future of Public Health: A Synthesis Report for the Field
The purpose of this report is to synthesize recently published literature and highlight tangible recommendations regarding the core components needed to build a modern and more effective U.S. public health
Health Disparities Report
The inaugural America’s Health Rankings Health Disparities Report, produced by the United Health Foundation, documents the breadth, depth and persistence of health disparities across the nation to provide objective data
Texas Hurricane Response Hub Technical Assistance Center
Building disaster-related public health capacity to enhance environmental and occupational health recovery efforts nationwide.
Advancing Health Equity in Nueces Co.
Commissioned by the Nueces County Office of Emergency Management and the Nueces County Hospital District, Texas Health Institute and Accenture LLP led a first-of-its-kind initiative for the county to develop
Health of Those Who Have Served Report 2020
The fourth update in America’s Health Rankings’ reports on the health of those who have served.
What Drives Health in Southwest Houston?
Findings from a community-based survey of the social determinants of health