Texas Health Policy Forum
At the Texas Health Policy Forum, THI will convene state policymakers, public health leaders, healthcare professionals, researchers, and community-based organizations to harness diverse perspectives and advance collaborative action for pragmatic
CJA National Conference 2024
The CJA National Conference took place in Albuquerque with a theme of Inspiring health, equity, and well-being
TPCC 11th Annual Summit
Creating Stronger Primary Care Together for a Healthier Texas
TPCC Primary Care Wins: Webinar
Primary Care Wins in the 88th Texas Legislative Session and Impacts on the Primary Care System
TPCC 2023 Policy Priorities: Webinar
Advancing Primary Care During the 88th Texas Legislative Session
MSRGN Genetics Summit 2022
Momentum in the Mountains: A virtual summit to educate, engage, and connect families, providers,
and public health professionals around contemporary topics in genetics.
CJA National Conference 2022
Bridging Communities to Achieve Equity for All. 20+ years of improving health, increasing access, and eliminating disparities
TPCC 10th Annual Summit
A Decade of Powering Primary Care Transformation: to honor the past 10 years of convening health champions and continue in our shared pursuit of improving the health of Texans through
Primary Care 101: Webinar
Primary care, when prioritized in the health system, results in people living longer lives with more equitable outcomes.
Help Improve Transgender and Gender Diverse Lives: Webinar
This webinar is generously sponsored by PrismHealth North Texas and presented by Texas Health Institute and TransFORWARD in collaboration with Equality Texas Foundation and Transgender Education Network of Texas.The U.S. Trans Survey (USTS) is