High-Quality Primary Care in Texas
Primary Care is a common good, which makes strength and quality of the country's primary care services a public concern.
Framework for Medicaid Dental for Adults with Disabilities
This policy brief offers a strategic framework as a starting point for collaborative efforts among the
major stakeholders in the oral health care delivery system in Texas.
Nueces Co. Unequal Impact of COVID-19 Report
Austin—Nueces County today released a first-of-its-kind health equity report that sheds light on the role that social, economic and neighborhood conditions have played in shaping and perpetuating health disparities in
Health Disparities Report
The inaugural America’s Health Rankings Health Disparities Report, produced by the United Health Foundation, documents the breadth, depth and persistence of health disparities across the nation to provide objective data
Texas Hurricane Response Hub Technical Assistance Center
Building disaster-related public health capacity to enhance environmental and occupational health recovery efforts nationwide.
Texas Accountable Communities for Health Initiative Health Equity Learning Session
An online lecture providing a practical understanding of health equity, why it is essential to advancing population health, and how its principles can be applied to achieve equitable processes and
Bills on Medicaid Reimbursement for Dental Services
Austin—Senator Lois W. Kolkhorst and Representative Joseph Deshotel recently filed bills, SB 1152 and HB 3145, in their respective chambers relating to Medicaid reimbursement for dental services provided to certain
Cost Savings with Medicaid Dental for Adults with Disabilities
The most recent evidence base suggests significant Medicaid cost savings associated with dental
benefits for adults with disabilities.
MSRGN Virtual Winter Meeting 2021
The meeting brought our MSRGN membership together to share progress on 6 initiatives of our new grant cycle to foster state team collaboration and to launch 4 surveys for 3
Nueces Co. Health Equity Data Dashboard and Report
Corpus Christi — The Nueces County government and hospital district have launched an innovative effort to develop a health equity report and data analytics platform. The combined offering will provide